zansaitos e.V. München

zansaitos e.V. is a German registered charity organisation

Since 5th May 2015 zansaitos e.V. is officially registered in Germany as a charity organisation.

2019 we will start 2 new projects.

  1. Building construction of hospital in  Mazola, Tanga Region. Please find more information here: 2019 Construction of hospital ward
  2. Extension of Changalikwa Primary School.  Please find more information here: Changalikwa Primary School extension 2019

We require further donations to complete both projects! With your support this will be possible.  Thank you very much!

Our vision: the zansaitos children’s boarding house in Arusha!
Here you will find our detailed concept paper Essende Kinder – zansaitos e.V.

Already in 2014 we have received some donations. Since 2015 we are able to provide all donors with official donation receipts.

The donations account of zansaitos e.V.:

Deutsche Bank
Account number: IBAN DE22 7007 0024 0212 2745 00 · BIC : DEUTDEDBMUC

In the meantime we have managed to realise quite a few projects from part of the profit of the purchase of our products and all donations received so far as well as from our private funds.

Find out more under: A PROJECT FOR MASSAI.

We are currently looking for donors and sponsors to support us in building our zansaitos childrens home.

“It is not the hand which gives, it is the heart!” (saying from Tanzania)

Find out more under: OUR VISION.

be part – open your heart! *

A big THANK YOU from our heart to all our donors, customers and supporters of our project!

The little Yohana, from the massai village Changalikwa, is only one of the children who opened our heart!